Discover How To Stop Losing Sales And Maximize Your Revenue Potential With Automated Abandoned Cart Recovery/Upsells In One Single Snapshot

$97 Lifetime

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Or We Don't Stop Delivering


Ever felt the sting of potential sales slipping away?

Are abandoned carts giving you nightmares, and upselling feels like a herculean task?

Imagine the frustration of watching potential customers abandon their carts, leaving your sales hanging in the balance.

Abandoned carts are the nemesis of every online seller.

Customers hover on the brink of purchasing, only to slip away, leaving your potential revenue hanging.

But what if there was a way to not only recover those abandoned carts but also upsell like a pro?

Picture a reality where abandoned carts are a thing of the past.

Where you're not just recovering lost sales; but also maximizing each opportunity and turning one-time buyers into repeat customers


Deadline Sequence

Our Deadline Sequence is not your average reminder. It's a gentle nudge with a twist – offering discounts within a deadline, compelling customers to act fast or miss out. Because who doesn't love a good deal?

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Smooth Transitions

The second sequence isn't just about sales; it's about customer care. Once they've made a purchase, they're smoothly removed from the first sequence. No more bombarding them with irrelevant messages.

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Discounts Without Pressure

The third sequence takes the pressure off but keeps the charm. It's like a friendly tap on the shoulder, reminding customers of their abandoned cart without the urgency. Let's call it the "No-Stress Reminder."

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Smart Cleanup

The fourth sequence is the cleanup crew. It keeps tabs on who went back, sealed the deal, and makes sure they're out of the reminder loop. No redundant messages; just a clean, efficient system.

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  • Deadline Sequence offering time-sensitive discounts for abandoned carts.

  • Seamless transition sequence to remove customers from reminders post-purchase.

  • "No-Stress Reminder" sequence for gentle, non-urgent follow-ups.

  • Smart Cleanup sequence to remove customers who return and make a purchase.

  • Customizable email templates for personalized communication.

  • Automated discount code generation for deadline-driven sequences.

  • Integration with e-commerce platforms for easy cart tracking.

  • User-friendly dashboard for monitoring abandoned cart statistics.

  • Intelligent tracking of customer behavior and cart activity.

  • Upsell recommendations based on previous purchase history.

  • Multi-channel communication including email and SMS.

  • Real-time reporting on recovered sales and upsell revenue.Mobile-responsive email templates for consistent user experience.

  • Customer segmentation based on behavior and purchase patterns.

  • Integration with customer loyalty programs for enhanced upselling.

  • Detailed analytics on upsell conversion rates.

  • A/B testing for optimizing email content and design.

  • User-friendly setup with intuitive automation workflows.

  • Seamless integration with popular payment gateways.


$97 Lifetime

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Or We Don't Stop Delivering


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Driven By Excellence

With years of expertise in online marketing & automation, we're not just providers; we're partners in your success. Our commitment is to see your business thrive.

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All In One Marketing Suite

Beyond automation, we offer an intuitive webpage design service, expert sales copywriting, and comprehensive CRM management tools. Streamline your operations, focus on delivering exceptional treatments, and let us handle the rest.

abandoned cart/upsell GHL snapshot

Exclusive Opportunity

To guarantee unparalleled service and dedication, we're capping the number of E-commerce business owners we onboard in each region. This is your chance to be among the elite. Secure your spot now.


testimonial forabandoned cart/upsell GHL snapshot

Click on the video to listen to Heather's Testimonial

testimonial forabandoned cart/upsell GHL snapshot

Click on the video to listen to Sam's Testimonial

testimonial for abandoned cart/upsell GHL snapshot

Click on the video to listen to Dana's Testimonial

testimonial for abandoned cart/upsell GHL snapshot

Click on the video to listen to Tyler's testimonial


Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Every moment counts, and your competition is eyeing the same success.

Act now or watch those potential sales get lost forever!.

What is a GoHighLevel Snapshot

Essentially, a Go HighLevel Snapshot is a replica of a GoHighLevel account that can be transferred to a different account using a distinct link. Through a snapshot, one can replicate the entirety of a HighLevel account within a new one.

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How do I upload a snapshot to GHL?

To transfer a snapshot via email, adhere to these instructions: Log into Our Platform through your browser. Find the email with the snapshot attached. Select the Click here link inside the email. Finalize the import by pressing Yes! Import Now.

How Long Does It Take To Receive My Snapshot After I Place My Order

Some of the process is automated. However, for your security and ours, we will need to embed your Agency ID into each snapshot we send you which is presently a manual process. This means it could take up to one business day to receive the snapshot. However, most of the time you'll receive everything shortly after you place your order.

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How does the AI in the system work?

Our AI integrates advanced algorithms, bots, and GPT technology to optimize marketing efforts, ensuring you're always a step ahead in client engagement."

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Can I resell The Snapshot?

Yes, so long as it is used within your agency. Each snapshot is registered to your agency and may be used by any sub-account within your agency. To sell Snapshots outside of your agency and earn commissions, register to become a Snapshot Sales Affiliate HERE.

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Does Each Snapshot Really Come With Everything Listed Above?

Yes! Snapshots are custom made to each Niche. Some niches require more automation, and some require less. All snapshots come with everything listed above however, some may have a little more.

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What Kind of Support Do You Provide

We've worked hard to make our products easy to use and we include (what we think are) clear instructions and/or explainer videos. But if you need additional help, we are available by email, video chat, or instant message to help in any way we can. Our goal is to deliver in abundance. We want you to refer others to us. Plus, it's the right thing to do.

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Can you do custom modifications on my snapshot?

Yes. In many cases, we can make a quick edit and shoot it over to you at no charge. However, anything that takes more than about 5 minutes, we're happy to do for you on a professional service basis.

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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Yes satisfaction is 100% guaranteed or we will continue delivering until YOU say we've delivered what we said we'd deliver. Our only goal is to make you happy. Our proof of your satisfaction is a FIVE STAR REVIEW.

Copyright 2023 . All rights reserved

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